Friday, September 10, 2010

Frogs in the Driveway

A couple weeks ago a close friend of mine celebrated her 22nd birthday at The Highball. After a long karaoke session and a screwdriver or two I received a call from my house. Now keep in mind this is at 10:30pm on a Saturday night. I answer the phone and I hear my mom, somewhat panic stricken and fearful. All I can hear her saying is my name.

I leave the club and head outside, dodging the few or so drunks who try to yell into the phone as I talk with my mom. She asks where I am and I reply,
"I was singing karaoke. I am about to go dancing. I can't hear you well."

To this she replies, "Matty, you must be careful when you come tonight. There are frogs in the driveway."

It is loud outside the club and I think I am mishearing things. I ask her to repeat what she said.

"There are frogs in the driveway. You need to be careful."

At this point several things are going through my mind.

One - Is this phone call just some elaborate excuse to find out why I am out so late?
Two - Will she get mad if she figures out I had a screwdriver or two and not let me go out again?
Three - Why are there frogs in the driveway?

Noting my hesitation on the phone, my mom clarifies things.

"I watered the grass and frogs came out of a hole next to the tree in the front yard. There are frogs in the driveway. I don't want you to run over the frogs."

She needed to tell me at 10:30pm that there were frogs in the driveway. I explained to her that when I returned home I would be very careful and not hit any of the frogs when I got home.

Later that night when I went home I carefully parked my scooter, looking out for frogs as I did so. However, the yard was completely dry, the water had evaporated.

There were no frogs in the driveway.

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